We have to work, we have school and other things to do.
I havent touched a pen for weeks, but suddenly this sheat just came out of my head.

Take a look and have a nice week :D
(sry for ze crapy quality, dont own a scanner yet D: )
//Katla von Messmör
finally an update! I have so much things going on right now, and sadly enough none of them is picture-related :( we have to come up with a new theme that everyone is interested in, something creative and new! do you have any ideas katla?
SvaraRaderaTried to gather Svenpåsk and Foxy yesterday..but they had other things to do.Mabye we should try again this evening? Im free atleast..How bout you? Think Sven has sum time on the afternoon or so
SvaraRaderaactually I'm going to go to stockholm in the afternoon, don't know when I'll be back... But I'll probably be available on msn later tonight.